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Ayurveda, one of the ancient medicine systems in the world, differs from other conventional treatment systems as it emphasize on natural healing process and concepts that can easily be adoptable in life style. Small diseases like cold to fatal diseases like cancer can be managed well by Ayurveda healing methods. In Atreya Ayurveda, we follow the traditional Ayurveda principles based on scientific researches for providing cure and complete health. Our team in Atreya has abundance and ample experience in the role of doctors, therapist and yoga masters.


In Atreya Ayurveda, the initial consultation with our doctor will take around 1-1.5hours. The doctor assess your health, determines the type of your body constitution (prakriti) according to the principles of Ayurveda, makes a diagnosis, makes recommendations on regime and lifestyle, and prescribe medications if necessary. Yoga therapy and meditation sessions may also be recommended, which will restore not only the physical, but also the emotional and mental state.

What you need to prepare before the consultation:

  • Explain to doctor about all the symptoms that bother you, including those that may seem unrelated to the reason for your visit to the doctor.
  • Mention key personal information, including any major stressors or recent life changes.
  • Make a list of all medications, including vitamins and dietary supplements that you take.
  • Write down questions you want to ask your doctor. Your time with your doctor is limited, so preparing a list of questions will help you make the most of this time. Organize your questions from most important to least important.
  • Write down your usual eating pattern and how your body reacts to it.
  • Write down the main diseases that you have/had. Bring with you all available medical documents related to your illness.

Repeated consultation

Repeated consultation is carried out after completing the course of treatment. All data about your prakriti (innate constitution), vikriti (imbalance of the doshas), and the history of your illnesses are included in the medical record.
At a follow-up consultation, your doctor will be able to adjust your treatment and make new appointments, if necessary.


The problem of overweight is one of the most common health problems facing by humanitytoday. Obesity or excess fat in the tissues of the body has long ceased to be an aesthetic problem. It is a dangerous metabolic ailment which can affect various systems of body and can become root cause for illness like hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, endocrine disorders, arthritic conditions, infertility etc.

Etiological Factors

Obesity does not affect the body overnight. It is a long-term process that is triggered in the body as a result of weak metabolism and unhealthy lifestyle in general.

What you need to prepare before the consultation:

  • Hormonal imbalances and genetics also play a role in some cases.
  • Poor dietary habits - with a lot of food, oversaturated with sugar and fats, consumption of fast food, artificial sweeteners, alcohol and regular overeating.
  • Lack of physical activity also contributes to the development of obesity.
  • Hereditary predisposition also has a strong inclination towards the pathogenesis of obesity.

Why obesity treatment should not be delayed?

As mentioned above, obesity leads to the development of a huge number of co-morbidities. Early intervention is a key factor in preventing their complications.
Ayurveda, by its holistic approach helps you to restore the natural metabolism and there by finding a solution for the troubles caused by obesity. People who want to lose their weight are fiercely looking for the ways to do so and they can approach us, Atreya Ayurveda. Sticking to the intrinsic principles of Ayurveda-the science of life, our team in Atreya designs a customized treatment plan for obesity.

Management of Obesity

As per Ayurveda, in obesity basic metabolism is hampered and lead to the imbalance of doshas. Through herbal preparations, primary focus is given to correct the metabolism and accelerate the fat breakdown. During the course of treatment, doctor in Atreya Ayurveda prescribes the diet and other lifestyle modifications. The quantity of food consumed will be monitored and will be synchronized with the therapy requirements.
Doctors in Atreya will guide you to avail the benefits of yoga and exercise in obesity. Yoga therapy sessions will ignite the metabolism and helps to balance the body humors.
Atreya Ayurveda's therapeutic programs not only help you start the weight loss process, but also help you to have a disciplined healthy life.


The crazy rhythm of modern life puts an imprint on our attitudeto our health, lifestyle and diet. One of the most common consequences of this is inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis.
The pancreas is the organ which produces important hormones and enzymes that help to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates.It releases amylase, lipase and protease into the lumen of the duodenum. The endocrine function of the gland is the secretion of insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and ghrelin. The main function of insulin is to lower blood sugar levels.

Causes of pancreatitis

The main cause of the disease is alcohol consumption. Other factors in the development of chronic inflammation of the pancreas include: heredity, improper nutrition (protein deficiency, excessive use of fatty foods), gallbladder disease, taking certain medications and autoimmune diseases. Idiopathic chronic pancreatitis accounts for about 20% of all types of patients.

Main symptoms of pancreatitis

The main symptoms of pancreatic inflammation include pain. Most often they have a shingles character and are accompanied by nausea and vomiting. The pain may decrease when bending forward.There are also bouts of diarrhoea and fever.

Ayurveda's approach

In Ayurveda, the pancreas is called ‘Grahani’ and is considered as an important constituent of Agni.Pancreatitis is a result of imbalance of Vata and Pitta doshas, due to which there is a change in the activity of the pancreas and the development of degenerative processes. Ayurveda significantly rejuvenates the pancreas and restores its functions.
The medicines are individually selected by the specialists of the Atreya Ayurveda, depending on age, constitution and degree of progression of the disease. Before choosing a course of treatment, our doctors assess all aspects during a consultation. Our doctor prescribes herbs like Curcuma and amla to treat this disease which have antibacterial and antioxidant properties. In Atreya Ayurveda the duration of Ayurveda treatment of pancreatitis can be from 2 to 6 months and it is important to follow the dietary regime during the course.


In today's modern society, in the age of fast food, irregular meals and stress coupled with unhealthy lifestyle disrupt the digestive system leading to increased incidences of haemorrhoids. Haemorrhoids are a common condition where the veins in the lower rectal canaland anus become inflamed and enlarged.

Causes of haemorrhoids

  • Hormonal imbalances and genetics also play a role in some cases.
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Strong pushing during defecation
  • Portal hypertension
  • Obesity can be a factor in increased pressure in the rectal veins.
  • Reduced muscle tone or poor posture can lead to excessive pressure on the rectal veins.
  • Pregnancy can lead to hypertension and increased straining during defecation, so haemorrhoids are often associated with pregnancy.
  • Cigarette smoking can aggravate haemorrhoids and lead to severe internal bleeding from the veins in the rectal area.

Symptoms of haemorrhoids

  • Bleeding from the rectum
  • Pain and irritation in the anus area
  • Loss of appetite and emaciation
  • Secondary anaemia
  • Lower backpain

Ayurvedic view of haemorrhoids

Haemorrhoids are described under the name ‘Arsha’. This disease is caused by weak digestive fire, disturbance of all doshas, especially Apana Vata. ‘Apana Vata is one of the five types of Vata that governs the entire pelvic region, reproductive organs, urinary tract and bladder. Disruption of Apana Vata causes accumulation of waste products and varicose veins in the rectum.
Treatment of haemorrhoids at Atreya Ayurveda Clinic is done after assessing the predominance of the dosha. The composition of medicines and herbs is selected individually, depending on the patient's condition and the presence of concomitant diseases. Doctor will prescribe the medicines which have synergic effect, thereby reducing pain and inflammation and at the same time kindle the digestive fire. There will be medicines to apply and for sitz bath. The holistic approach in Atreya Ayurveda imparts a natural way of healing for dreadful conditions like haemorrhoids.


Peptic ulcer disease is a chronic condition characterized by the formation of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum. This condition leads to pain, dyspepsia, bleeding and in some cases perforation of the entire walls of the organ.
According to recent clinical studies related to peptic ulcer, it is found that about 15-20% of the population suffers from peptic ulcers, but with timely and proper treatment there is a high percentage of healing (about 70-80%), also - dissemination of information about prevention and treatment of the disease has helped to reduce the percentage of mortality from this disease.

Causes of gastric ulcer

  • Infection with Helicobacter pylori bacteria
  • Regular use of certain medications such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Chronic stress
  • Irrational diet (e.g. when a person regularly ‘forgets’ to eat or eats at the wrong time (late dinners, etc.)
  • Genetic predisposition

General Symptoms

  • Pain in the upper abdomen, which may be worse at night or with hunger
  • A feeling of heaviness or fullness in the abdomen after a meal
  • Vomiting, heartburn, and belching
  • Bleeding from the stomach, which is manifested by black stools or vomiting blood.
  • Appearance of sharp pain in the abdomen, indicating the rupture of the ulcer

Ayurveda treatment for ulcers

  • The first thing that you will be prescribed by our Ayurveda doctor is a certain diet, excluding certain foods, as well as compliance with the dietary regime.
  • One should avoid oatmeal, bananas, animal milk (can be replaced by vegetable milk), acidic foods, bread, tomatoes, aborigines, peppers, potatoes, yams, coffee and tea.
  • Replace fresh salads with baked or boiled vegetables and fruits.
  • The last meal should be 2-3 hours in advance.
  • Observing the sleep regime, try to sleep at least 8 hours.
  • During the day between meals drink warm boiled water, a little at a time, small sips.
  • Stress therapy is also a necessary factor in the treatment, for this Smriti meditation and therapeutic treatments (Takradhara or Shirodhara) may be prescribed

In Atreya Ayurveda our doctor takes a complete history related to diet and eating habits. If necessary a detox program at Atreya Ayurveda will be suggested. Herbal preparation will be prescribed after assessing the severity of ulcer. The Ayurveda doctor will prescribe natural herbal medicine that treats the ulcer, restores PH balance and reduces acidity.


Various disease conditions which affect the joints are explained in the ancient science of life, Ayurveda. Most joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, spondylosisand osteoporosis are due to imbalance of vata dosha, presence of ama (toxins) in the joints. These processes lead to stiffness and inflammation and are accompanied by pain and crepitation in the joints.

Causes of arthritis:

  • Improper diet and poor nutrition
  • Injuries to joints and lack of exercise
  • Hereditary,
  • Conditions like obesity, diabetes mellitus and hypertension
  • Diet and lifestyle that increase Vata dosha

Arthritis symptoms:

  • Difficulty moving in the joints, especially in the morning and evening
  • Joint pain
  • Soreness when pressure is applied to the joints
  • Crepitation in the joints
  • Swelling of the joints
  • Restriction of movement in the joints
  • Disruption of activities of daily living

Ankylosing spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of arthritis that affects the spine. The disease begins with recurrent episodes of low back pain and stiffness that sometimes irradiate to the buttocks or thighs. The vertebrae may fuse, resulting in spinal stiffness. These changes may be mild or severe and result in stooping. Early diagnosis and treatment can help control pain and stiffness and may prevent significant deformity.

Cervical spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis is a type of arthritis characterised by the growth of osteophytes in the spine, which affects the cervical vertebrae and is characterised by pain in the back of the neck (irradiating towards the upper limbs) and dizziness when bending down. There may be loss of sensation and numbness in the upper limbs. In Ayurveda, it is known as Grivasandhigatvata.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (known as Amavata in Ayurveda) is an autoimmune disease that causes chronic inflammation and severe joint pain. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterised by the development of inflammation of the tissues around the joints


Osteoarthritis (Sandhivata in Ayurveda) is the most common type of arthritis which is a degenerative joint disease characterised by pain and inflammation in the joints. Ayurvedic treatment for osteoarthritis not only prevents further deterioration of the joints but also rejuvenates the damaged cartilage tissues.

Gout Arthritis

Gout (Vata rakta) is a metabolic disorder that leads to inflammation and deposition of uric acid in the cartilage of the joints. As per Ayurveda along with Vata dosha, the raktadhatu (blood tissue) is also affected. Gout affects the big toe, making it swollen and very painful. In the next stages, the process spreads to the knees, joints of the hands and feet, wrist and elbows. Gout treatment at Atreya Ayurveda Clinic emphasises on diet, Ayurvedic remedies and daily routine to help cleanse the body and manage the symptoms of the condition.

General line of management

Restoration of bone health with specialised herbal preparations and external therapies is the main focus of treatment programs. In Atreya Ayurveda, we design special treatments programs for various types of arthritis. It includes internal medications, external therapies inclusive of Panchakarma, Yoga and meditation. External therapies like various swedana (sudation therapies) reduce stiffness and pain in the joints and improve their mobility.
Significant positive effects are noted after undergoing Ayurvedic treatments: Snehana, Abyanga, Svedana, Podi, Kalari massage, etc. Asana complexes specially developed by our yoga instructor bring great relief. At Atreya Ayurveda Clinic, specialists use therapeutic herbs that have anti-inflammatory and natural analgesic effects. Preventing relapses and further damage through proper lifestyle modification suggested by Team Atreya.


Cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder, which is subsequently a major risk factor for its development. The gallbladder is an organ located below the liver in the upper right side of the abdomen. It is a sac designed to hold bile, a green-yellow liquid produced by the liver that aids in digestion. If the liver produces more cholesterol than the bile can dissolve, the excess cholesterol can turn into crystals and eventually stones. These stones subsequently clog the cystic duct and cause inflammation of the organ.

Causes of cholecystitis

The main reason for the development of cholecystitis is a stone in the gallbladder. Very rarely, it can develop due to a tumor or scarring of the bile duct. Risk factors include:

  • Increasing age
  • Pregnancy
  • Taking oral contraceptives
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Rapid weight loss

Signs and symptoms:

  • Intense pain in the right upper abdomen - episodic, occurs mostly after eating fatty or fat-containing food.
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Fever

Treatment of cholecystitis according to Ayurveda

Ayurveda in its protocols mainly aims to work on the underlying causes of the disease to remove its roots. Doctors in Atreya Ayurveda suggest various internal medicines after thorough consultation. After assessing the conditions of the person, a holistic approach is taken through diet management, medicines and therapies.
We provide herbal preparations in the form of pills, decoctions, powders, herbal jams, etc. Ayurvedic medicines prescribed for cholecystitis are: Kumaryasavam, TrivritLehyam, Vasaguluchyadi kwatham, Dadimadighritam etc. They can break up stones, dissolve them, deliver them to the excretory tract, remove them from the body, ameliorate inflammation, and improve the digestive system (digestive fire’), absorption and general metabolism.
It is also very important to observe ‘Pathya’ i.e. the ‘before’ and ‘after’ rules in Ayurveda. To aid healing advice is given to avoid excessive consumption of oil, salty, spicy and fatty foods. Yoga, meditation and breathing exercises can also be practiced to help the body calm down and respond properly to medication


Psoriasis is known as ‘kitibha kushta and sidhmakushta in Ayurveda. It is an autoimmune disease that causes plaques that are itchy or painful patches of thick, red and dry skin. Psoriasis affects any part of the body and occurs in all racial groups but with varying frequency.
Itching is the most common complaint in people with psoriasis. People feel itchy, especially when psoriasis affects the scalp, palms of the hands, or soles of the feet. Inflammation and redness around the scales are common. Typically, psoriatic plaques have whitish-silver scales and form thick red patches that may crack and bleed.

What happens in psoriasis?

The cause of the disease remains completely unclear, but there are several theories of the origin of psoriasis. Discussed are viral, neurogenic, endocrine, metabolic etiology, the hypothesis of congenital instability of lysosomes and congenital structural defects of skin capillaries, primary disorders of keratinization.

Symptoms of psoriasis

Symptoms of psoriasis vary from person to person, which depends on the type of psoriasis.

The most common symptoms of psoriasis include:

  • Inflamed patches of skin
  • Plaques on red patches
  • Dry skin that may crack and bleed
  • Soreness around the patches
  • Itching/burning around the patches
  • Thick / pitted nails
  • Swollen joints
  • Stress can cause aggravation of the disease

Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis

According to Ayurveda, psoriasis occurs due to a decrease in all three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha) to varying degrees, but mainly Vata and Kapha.

  • Vata mainly causes pain, dryness and flaking of the skin.
  • Pitta imbalance causes burning sensation, redness and inflammation.
  • An imbalance of Kapha causes rashes, itching, discharge, and thickening of the skin.

Detoxification of the body is done through the process of Panchakarma, which is the prime manthra for kushtaroga (skin diseases). The planning of Panchakarma is different in each individual. Doctors in Atreya Ayurveda prescribe the medication for panchakarma after assessing the gravity of manifestation of the disease. Doctor will suggest therapies like shirodhara and takradhara which has a deep impact on the patient's body.

Ayurvedic treatments and medicines, suggested by specialist in Atreya, will stop the recurrence of the disease and increase your immunity. Our doctors will tell you during the consultation what changes you need to make in your diet and lifestyle, recommend you how to manage stressful situations.


Infertility is clinically diagnosed when pregnancy cannot be achieved after 1 year of regular, unprotected intercourse or after 6 months if the woman is over 35 years of age. Many different medical conditions and other factors can contribute to fertility problems. The issue of infertility is common nowadays and couples with the issue seeking a solution with less or no complication. Ayurveda principle raising its value at this point, where successful result can be provide without any complications.

What is the Ayurvedic approach to fertility?

According to Ayurveda, four factors are essential for a successful pregnancy.

1. Ritu- Time for conception
2. Kshetra- healthy uterus
3. Ambu- Nourishment
4. Beeja- egg & ovum

  • Right timing: The suitable time for garbha (pregnancy) can be remarked in two ways- fertile age as well as the ovulation period
  • Healthy female (secondary) reproductive organs: the health of the Fallopian tubes and uterus is essential for successful conception and completion of pregnancy.
  • Utilization of nutrients is required for the stages of fertilization, implantation, fetal organogenesis and placental formation. Nutritional status of mother should be in prime quality as it lines with pregnancy and directly affect the fetus.
  • Healthy sperm / ovum: The structural and functional efficiency of the sperm / ovum depends on factors including body constitution (Prakriti), age, diet and lifestyle. Modification of these factors can help to improve sperm / ovum quality.

Ayurvedic Management

A group of treatments called Rasayana and Vajikarana can improve reproductive health. Apart from this Ayurveda has medicines that can regulate menstrual cycles, clear the block in these ducts and strengthen the uterus.
In Atreya Ayurveda, the doctors consult the couple and asses the root cause of the infertility. The team in Atreya follows a holistic approach in infertility cases by providing proper life style recommendations, diet management, herbal supplements and Ayurveda therapies. Our doctor also advises you on dietary preparations and specific regimes to be followed in each month of pregnancy.
A successful and comprehensive Ayurvedic treatment for condition of infertility can be obtained at the Atreya Ayurveda.


Migraine is a severe headache that cause throbbing, pulsing head pain on different parts of your head. In many people, migraine is accompanied by nausea and increased sensitivity to light or sound. Migraine attacks can last from a few hours to several days, and the pain can be so severe that it interferes with daily activities.

About 90% of all headaches fall into one of three categories:

1. Tension headaches
2. Headaches associated with high blood pressure
3. Cluster headaches, and migraine

Tension headaches are often accompanied by tightness in the muscles of the back and shoulders. They can be caused by emotional and psychological stress, depression and anxiety.
Blood pressure problems are the most common cause of headaches. If you have chronic headaches (three or more times a week for several months), consultation is needed.
Cluster (histamine-dependent) headaches are usually very severe. They occur most often in middle-aged men. Cluster headaches get worse quickly and last from 30 minutes to 2 hours.
Migraine is a neurological disorder and the characteristic symptom is episodic or regular severe and excruciating attacks of headache in one (rarely both) halves of the head.
The severe throbbing headache is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. Migraine attacks have the following phases: prodromal phase, perception, pain phase and postdrome phase.

In treating migraine and headaches, Ayurveda has three objectives:

  • Relieving the attack and restoring health after the attack
  • Reducing future exposure to provoking factors
  • Preventing recurrence of pain attacks

Doctor in Atreya Ayurveda determines an individual diet for the patient, depending on his condition, severity and nature of the disease, and gives recommendations on changing the diet and lifestyle to reduce the impact of provoking factors and prevent recurrence of pain attacks.
To get rid of migraines under the guidance of Ayurveda doctors, it is usually enough to undergo a course of therapy lasting from 10 to 28 days. Various therapies prescribed for headache includes shiroabhyanga, nasya, vasthi, sheetali pranayama etc.

patients conquer their migraine symptoms, which recede permanently or are significantly reduced.
Make an appointment with an Ayurveda doctor, call the Atreya Ayurveda Clinic and you can take a step towards a new life with no room for headaches today!


Aging is a process of physical, psychological and social changes in multiple aspects. With the increasing number of elderly people in today's society, the health problems of the elderly are becoming more and more pronounced. Family and society also have their share of responsibility in this struggle.
Ayurveda offers a sound concept of ageing, its delaying and treatment. It deliberately includes Rasayana Tantra as one of the specialties dedicated to the prevention of ageing and care of the elderly.

Geriatric care with Ayurveda has 2 levels:

1. Maintenance of health and longevity
2. Treatment of diseases in old age

Ayurveda, being essentially a science of life and longevity, addresses these issues in a uniquely holistic manner, including not just biological care, but encompassing psychological and spiritual levels as well.
Rasayana is not just a single drug or medicine, but an entire rejuvenating regimen that uses rejuvenating remedies and drugs, a special diet, healthy lifestyle in general and positive psychosocial behavior. Rasayana is the therapy which provides the optimum quality of the bodily tissues and the promotion of both physical and mental health, and prevents the ageing and diseases. This therapy enables the person to live for a longer youthful life.
In addition to the preventive aspects of aging, Ayurveda can also treat diseases of the elderly in the most effective and safe manner
Muscular-skeletal diseases including spasms, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, constipation, metabolic errors, metabolic diseases such as diabetes, degenerative brain diseases, insomnia, post-menopausal syndrome, psychological disorders like depression, anxiety, insomnia etc. are successfully treated with the help of Ayurveda and its various branches.The introduction of Ayurveda along with the modern system of medicine will only have a positive impact on providing quality life to the elderly.
In Atreya Ayurveda we provide a wide spectrum of medical aid for geriatric care in the form of herbs, therapies and counselling. Yoga masters in team Atreya suggest meditation techniques to sharpen the nervous system and yoga postures to stay flexible. We, Atreya Ayurveda through the geriatric care, aimed for providing longevity; maintenance of positive health; improvement in mental faculties like intelligence, perseverance and memory; and resistance against disease.

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