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According to Ayurveda, term ‘sandhi’ means articulation of two or more bones. Based on the researches and detailed descriptions of the diseases, we can correlate the diseases mentioned in the Ayurveda with those explained in contemporary medical science. Sandhivata (osteo arthritis), Sandhishul (painful joint), Sandhisopha (edematous joint), Amavat(arthritis), Vatarakta (gout) and Sandhishaithilya (osteoporosis) are some of the references of joint disorders in Ayurveda treatises.

Vata is the main dosha (humors) coupled with joints. Asthi (bones) is considered as abode of vata dosha. Vata dosha is responsible for all the movements of body, including that of joints. When Vata dosha become morbid, it combines with other doshas, raktha (blood) to manifest various joint disorders. Joint disorders are generally slow in progress and need to be addressed in time. The chronic joint diseases can affect the life very badly; one may end up in wheel chair in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis.

How it affects you:

Daily activities will be affected due to different types of pain- intermittent and sharp pain. There will be fatigue and your range of movement will be affected. Edema and redness are commonly seen in conditions like osteoarthritis. In chronic condition of arthritis like rheumatoid arthritis, joint deformities are manifested in advanced stages. Arthritis occurred due to metabolic reasons like Gout cause excruciating pain and tenderness even in resting position. Septic arthritis is caused by micro organisms like bacteria and fungus, and it affects big joints like hip, knee etc. where it damages the joints badly. Stiffness is manifested in almost all types of arthritis. In old people due to the age factor, there will be low deposit of minerals like calcium which makes the bone brittle and breakable. The joints will be in degenerative stage and will end up in conditions like osteoporosis.

Addressing the joint disorders in the early stages helps to avoid the joint damage and will make you feel better. The comprehensive treatment approaches in Ayurveda give a sustained relief in ailments. In Atreya Ayurveda our team will provide an utmost care in handling your issues. Special attention will give to amend your diet which suits with treatment protocol. Through the therapeutic yoga, yoga master in Atreya Ayurveda will train you perform the asanas (postures) that strengthens your skeletal system.

What Ayurveda can offer

Prime importance should give to stabilize the vata dosha as it is the imbalanced one. Strengthening the asthi dhatu (bone tissue) is also included in the aim of the treatment. Other areas of focus in Ayurveda treatment include balancing other dosha, cushioning the joints with fluid, strengthening snayu (ligaments) and kandara (tendons). This is acquired through a series of therapies:

Snehapana: The intake of medicated ghee which will provide nourishment to bones.

Snehana: Various types of oleation therapies are administered to enrich the joint and the surrounding structures which will relieve inflammation and pain.

Pinda sweda: Various pinda (bolus) prepared with herbal powders, leaves, lemon etc. are used for therapies.

Lepanam: The application of herbal paste on the joints is known as lepanam and is effective in reducing stiffness and inflammation.

Panchakarma: Among the five purificatory therapies vasti chikitsa (enema therapy) is the best for reducing Vata, thereby joint disorders.

Yoga: Various asnasa (postures) and movements helps the body to attain flexibility. To prevent the recurrence and to stabilize the joints regular practice of yoga is recommended.

In Atreya Ayurveda we provide the treatments sticking to the Ayurveda principles which had evolved centuries ago, but relevant in the current modern era. You can contact us for long term relief from any kind of joint illness. Doctor in Atreya Ayurveda will consult you and will guide you through the trails of natural healing.

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